What is Educational Kinesiology?
Educare means to draw out. Kinesis means motion. Kinesiology is the science of body movement. Educational Kinesiology (Edu-K) is the process of drawing out learning through our natural movement experiences. Edu-K is a process for re educating the whole mind / body system for accomplishing any skill or function with greater ease and efficiency. Edu-K is not a method but rather a “tool” to make any teaching system more efficient. It is designed to enhance and support all teaching techniques to work better and faster, not replace them.
Development of Educational Kinesiology
Educational Kinesiology grew out of clinical studies started in 1969 by Paul Dennison, Ph.D., an educational therapist, who was looking for ways to help children and adults who had been identified as learning-disabled. Dr Dennison noticed that after doing certain movements his students’ learning and performance often improved. His research led him to the study of kinesiology, the science of body movement and the relationship of muscles and posture to brain function.
Paul and Gail Dennison continue to research and develop the Edu-K process of learning through movement.
An Educational Kinesiologist is someone who gone onto further training after completing the Brain Gym Teacher Practicum. Julie has over 700 hours of Edu-K training.
There are over 1200 course hours to choose from in Educational Kinesiology. Go to the International Edu-K Foundation website www.braingym.org for more information on the various courses available worldwide and www.braingym.org.au for courses available in Australia.
Training at The Thinking Body
As a member of the International Educational Kinesiology Faculty Julie is able to offer a number of courses in the training required to become qualified as a Brain Gym Consultant and Facilitator.
- Brain Gym 101
- Optimal Brain Organization
- Visioncircles
- Double Doodle Play
- Creative Vision
- Edu-K In Depth
- Brain Gym Teacher Practicum
- Double Doodle Play Teacher Training
- Visioncircles Teacher Training
- Optimal Brain Organization Teacher Training
- Hands On in the Classroom
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